On female faces, longer eyelashes were more attractive than short lashes. In men, very long eyelashes were less attractive. The most attractive eyelash ratio differed between men and women, suggesting the impact of sociocultural factors as well as biological factors. Having long eyelashes, regardless of gender, is a sign of good health.
We see those with long eyelashes and healthy, flowing hair, and we associate these traits with overall health and well-being. Long eyelashes are considered attractive by both men and women. They make the eyes look bigger and exude confidence. This is important in the hunter-gatherer days, when trust was vital.
Men tend to have smaller eyes and larger eyebrows, and long eyelashes accentuate these features. They make smaller eyes look bigger and make them more attractive. Yes, long eyelashes are an attractive facial feature for both men and women. Long eyelashes tend to make the eyes look bold, shiny and accentuate the eyes.
The romantic might argue that there is no “why”, and he may be right, but being attracted to long eyelashes also makes evolutionary sense. The general findings suggest that there is an optimal length at which eyelashes are perceived as more attractive, which has an adaptive evolutionary basis. But the fact is that long eyelashes are attractive to people of all genders, and there are a few psychological reasons why. From an evolutionary perspective, the ideal eyelash length to indicate health and, therefore, attractiveness, should be between long and short.
Other women find that real eyelashes are much more attractive and like the way the eyelashes appear on their face. An experiment published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences suggests that the most attractive eyelash length is approximately one-third of the width of the eye. Long eyelashes in women also make the face look more attractive, since they emphasize the eyelid and highlight the eye. Basically, we've all decided that, unlike almost any other type of body hair, the more luscious and longer the eyelashes, the more attractive the person who possesses them will look.
While some researchers have suggested that eyelashes are perceived as more attractive the longer they are, long eyelashes can also indicate diseases, such as immunodeficiency. A hot topic that many women wonder with men is whether or not they think women are attractive with false eyelashes or with natural eyelashes. The truth is that men all over the world find long eyelashes very attractive, it's just a matter of which direction they lean in. If you're wondering if men find long eyelashes attractive, then the answer is yes, but not without debate.
Men with longer eyelashes appear more attractive and masculine, which is a desirable trait for female partners.